Tips on writing.

Throughout Writing 12 I had to complete over 23 unique pieces of literature, and as I worked to complete them all, I began to form a few habits that helped me to finish them in an efficient, organized fashion. Now I would like to pass these habits on to you. The first and foremost habit I want to pass on is, being organized. Meaning that at the start of any project, create a file and label it, begin to fill this file with all the work related to your project, and as you get into more detail, make more files so you can access any information you need quickly and effectively. Of course this is easier to do on a computer, but it would be the same idea if you are working with paper. Use a binder and get some dividers to separate your work into manageable sections.

   The next tip I have is to brain storm. So after you read the description for each project, open a word document, or grab a new sheet of paper and start to write down all the things that come to mind about the project. when you are out of ideas, stop and read over what you have, cross out what you don't like and keep what you do. Doing this sort of thing will, for one, get your brain in gear and start you thinking about the task at hand. It will also help as a reminder for you later on down the road if you need some inspiration or more ideas.

   My third writing tip is a very simple one. When you sit down to write, or do a test, or do anything really that involves your concentration, bring a bottle of water. Drinking water and staying hydrated is proven to allow your brain to function more efficiently. Along with water, make sure you are well nourished. Have a snack before or have something easy to eat with you, because without food and water your focus will start to waver and your writing will go down hill fast.

   My last writing tip for you is to be creative. Think outside the box and never be afraid to write what your thinking. Writing is such an individual thing to do, and such a great way to express your thoughts. So throw out the formula and jot down what you want to say, draw from your inspirations and just go for it.