As I completed this writing 12 course, I was asked to write about many different things, and in many different styles. The writing included making up nonsense words, writing fictional letters from famous or infamous  people, exploring the realm of poetry, making a short story, and even writing a screenplay.  In doing all of these projects it became very clear to me what different things inspire my writing, and how those things affect my works.

   The first thing that came to mind when i thought about my inspirations were the poems i had to write, and how these poems for the most part followed a similar theme, nature. I find that nature ties into a lot of my writing because I enjoy the outdoors and like the idea of writing about something I find beautiful. especially in poems because I would really like my poem to express the things that make nature so beautiful to me. Beyond that, nature and the elements provide me with inspiration because I have experienced a lot of the places I try and write about.

   Nature of course isn't the only thing that inspires my writing, When I am tasked with writing stories for instance I draw  quite a bit of inspiration from movies. I have watched more than my share of movies, new, old, and from all possible genres, and this has given me a good outlook on story writing. The movies have taught me the basics that most every story follows, building action, climax, denouement and so forth, but they have also drilled into my head different ways of getting the job done. What I mean is, ways of building suspense, or concern for the characters and so on.

   The third place that I find I draw inspiration from is other literature. Books that i enjoy reading, so for Instance I grew up, like so many others, reading Harry Potter and the series that followed. From those books I think I have learned a lot about how a story is written, for example how characters talk to each other, and what you can say or go into detail about without loosing the audiences attention.

   I find inspiration from all sorts of places, and it all really depends on what I am writing at the time. Looking back I found it quite interesting to read over my work and remember just what I was thinking at the time I wrote it, and even how my stories differ depending on my mood that day, so where ever you find your inspiration, just run with it and see where it takes you and your writing.