Here is a portfolio of my writing works. Starting with the very first assignment in the course and finishing with my last. Its a tribute to how my writing has evolved.

Made up words

   I awoke with much excitement and rolled to face my window, for days the world had been cloudy and dim, dramp even. This morning was different though, I hopleaped out of my bed and ran to the glass. The sun was shinemering through my window, It was bright and hot, and ignited a fire in my soul, summer was here and it was finally time to go outside. I a desirearning for the outdoors, perhaps to swim or simply bask under the sun. but today I wont be feeling the suns warm shimbrace, for there are things to be done and writings to be writ, so for now all I can do is day dream and wait…

Excuse Note

   To Whom It May Concern: I am very very sorry for my actions on June 6th of 2005, I regret deeply the fact that I lost my temper and whipped a telephone at my hotels concierge. In my defense the man was being quite unhelpful and bordering on downright rude, all I wanted was to place a call. I realize now that I could have simply used my cell phone but I found myself caught up in the moment. For a minute there, when the actual act of hurling the phone occurred I was so engulfed in rage I thought I still was a Gladiator. Nevertheless I apologize; I hope sincerely that the cuts I gave to the man’s face with my impeccable aim heal and that no lasting physical or psychological damage remains. I do not usually take part in actions like this for it isn’t in my nature, I swear this it was a one time laps in my good nature. Sure I have been charged with assault when I went all Cinderella man on a guy in the plantations hotel, but he had it coming and I stand by my plea of self defense. On those two instances I think that its clearly the other persons fault as much as it is mine, especially in the case of the hotel concierge. He shouldn’t have come at me with that negative, unhelpful attitude. I can promise with very little certainty that from this point forward I will behave myself. I will stay out a brawls and try to cut back saying vulgar things about people on nation television. Along with this new promise I plan on settling out of court with the concierge, probably for around six digits. That’s the last time I try and make a phone call by my self, from now on its back to having my people call there people.      

Story review


synopsis: On the shore of the mighty Hudson there lies a small Dutch settlement, it is full of farmers who have since settled after the war that ran through the region. Like any small, out of the way town, it had many legends and stories of ghosts and gules. These stories fascinated Ichabod the local school teacher, and he would often stroll through the places where the haunting’s said to have taken place. Secretly he loved the thrill and hoped to one day have stories of his own to tell about Sleepy Hallow.


Why it’s a “must” read.


The Legend of Sleepy Hallow is one of the originals, it had been around seemingly forever, and it’s hard to find a kid who hasn’t heard of the headless horseman. Although this story has been retold countless times, and has been a jewel for Hollywood movie makers, it is rarely told in this fashion. This version by Diedrech Knickerbocker, is the original story and possibly the best it’s ever been told. Setting, the story is set during an unknown time but it can be assumed it was during the 1700’s, and it takes place in a village along the Hudson. The story takes place in three main venues, the school house where our main character Ichabod is the towns only teacher. The next place is the Van Tassel residence, a large farmland and very generously sized house on the far side of Sleepy Hollow and the “haunted forest”. The third is the forest itself, so that includes a brook, an old whitewashed church and the Tree where an old colonel was captured and killed during the war.


The characterization is quite magnificent for a short story, even though it’s only a few pages long the characters are defined quite deeply. In fact the whole story is a series of details strung together to make up the tale, but it isn’t to the point where it becomes a bore, It all can be appreciated and it all ads to the story. One of the things that make all the details possible is the style in which the author wrote the story. It is all in the style of a first person narrative, so you get the feeling that someone is telling you this story as if it were a legend being read at a campfire. And the author took advantage of that by adding many commas, which make the reader pause and it feels as though the narrator is pausing to collect hit thoughts and recollect more clearly. When the pauses occur it’s as though he is straining his memory, working hard not to leave out any detail.


The theme of this short story is a hard one to put your finger on. The dominant topic throughout the story is haunting and the tales of the supernatural. So in one respect the theme is about haunted Old Dutch towns and how legends and lore often come from actual shreds of fact. But in the other hand, the theme could be about someone getting what’s coming to them. For Ichabod had his eye on a young maiden, but he wanted her only because of her rich parents who would have to leave it all to him, and not for love. But the great part is, is that you will have to decide.   

Song as poetry

Song Choice, Sound of Silence, Simon and Garfunkel.


Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence


In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turn my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
No one dared
Disturb the sound of silence

"Fools," said I, "you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence

What the poem means to me.

I like a lot of different music, ranging from a little classical guitar all the way through the spectrum to some death wrap by Necro, and somewhere between these two extremes I found Simon and Garfunkel, and one song in particular really caught my ear. The song is called “The Sound of Silence”, and I liked it at first because it was laid back and catchy, but as I continued listening, and hearing the lyrics it started to make me think, and a song that can do that is a special song and more often than not a great poem. This song isn’t so much one that leaves me with a resounding message in my head, but it makes me feel a great respect towards the two artists and how they were able to express there feelings and concerns through song. In-depth analysis of the text.  Dig deep into the words the poet/songwriter chose.  Why this phrase?  What does this word choice symbolize?  What are alternative meanings for this poem/song?

I think the meaning of this song has a lot to do with the growing lack of communication, and when I say communication I am referring to one person talking to another in the flesh. My opinion is that Simon and Garfunkel felt that there was a growing communication break down brought on by the increasing amount of technology being used by people in there day. Two lines jump out at me to support this idea, “People talking without speaking…People hearing without listening”.

The simplest of examples to explain these lyrics is to look at what I am doing right now. I am talking to you (my class and teacher) but I’m doing so without seeing you or speaking these words to you, and you will read my lines, and listen to my thoughts without ever hearing my voice. Another thing that makes me feel this song is about a future lacking communication is a word that appears twice during the song. The word is Neon, and its referred to as “the Neon God they made” and as “A flash of Neon light”. I think the word neon could be referring to any number of things, television screens being the one that comes to my mind first, because it is something that takes away countless hours of time without giving back. How you would best describe/explain this poem to your fellow classmates.

I would try and break down the song like so. It begins with a greeting to darkness and I think it means that he is either dreaming or it is the darkness of his mind and he is telling his thoughts aloud. In the second verse he describes his dream, in which he is walking alone and see’s this neon light, and touches the sound of silence. Meaning this light is something that is contributing to the silence and therefore is a part of it. The third verse he lays his eyes upon many people, all of them not talking and not listening, some writing works of art and never having the chance to share them. In the fourth verse he tells the people they are fools, and if they would listen to his words, for instance the lyrics to this song they might help them, but none of the people listened, and it’s as if his words were nothing but drops of water in a deep well. The last verse is hardest for me to grasp, but I think that it is about the neon god, be it a television or what have you trying to tell the people that the graffiti on the walls was put there by people who still cared about talking and expressing themselves.


The BEST line of the poem/song and why “And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls”


This is my favorite line from the song for two simple reasons, the first being it is sung quite beautifully during the song, and the second being that I don’t understand its meaning. At this point it’s still a mystery to me and really the only part of the song I don’t have a clear enough grasp on, so it makes me think the most, which is something I like.

Favorite poems

David Wagoner - Lost


Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here, And you must treat it as a powerful stranger, Must ask permission to know it and be known. The forest breathes. Listen. It answers, I have made this place around you. If you leave it, you may come back again, saying Here. No two trees are the same to Raven. No two branches are the same to Wren. If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you, You are surely lost. Stand still. The forest knows Where you are. You must let it find you.


Start – what I like about the poem/poet.


The poem Lost by David Wagoner is probably my favorite poem I have ever read. That isn’t to say I won’t find a poem I like more at some point, but with my limited venturing into the realm of poetry this one struck me as the best. One of the things I like about it is the fact that is isn’t a rhyming poem, I like this because I think the author is able to say what he wants to say without wasting any of its meaning on words that just so happen to rhyme. Without the element of rhyme it also has a bit of an abstract feel to it and I am much more inclined towards this type of poetry. Another thing I enjoy about this poem is how it is based on nature and has a very Zen feel to it, especially with its clear references to animals and elements of the forest. Although this poem is my favorite, I can’t honestly say that its author is also my favorite. He is a great writer for sure and has many literary accomplishments but with that alone I couldn’t call him my favorite. Poem analysis


The first two lines of this poem are important ones I believe, they use the word “you” and I think its because the author wanted the reader to imagine it were them standing in the forest. The second line is also my favorite line because it has the most impact on me; the author says “Wherever you are is called here”

  And I consider it to mean that where ever you find yourself, you shouldn’t worry because you are in the here and now, living, and surrounded by good things. In the next line the forest is personified and you are asked to treat it like a new friend, and to do so with respect. Next you must ask the forest if it is alright to become its companion, for it isn’t right to simply assume you are wanted wondering through this nature. Again the forest is personified as it breathes, perhaps as a gust of wind rustles through the branches. The forest speaks yet again, saying you can leave and come back at any point in time, I think this is a way of letting the reader know that despite the forest being alive it is also simply a piece of mother nature, and has no rules against you. Now, nearing the end of the poem the forest continues to speak. I think lines nine and ten are fairly clear, the forest tells that no to branches or trees are the same and in turn no animal will treat them the same. The following two lines say that if you cannot see this difference and if what, for example a tree does than you really are lost. I can see this meaning that if you fail to see the beauty and value nature, or too use the cliché, if you can not see the forest for the trees than you are a lost soul and a lost cause. The poem ends with the line “The forest knows where you are. You must let it find you.”   and I think that this is the deepest line of the whole poem, to me it means that if you are alone and lost its only a state of mind, because the forest of life will have many paths all you have to do is choose one. And sometimes being lost or even just being in a metaphorical forest, it will help you find out who you really are inside.


History and Background


David Wagoner was born June 5th, 1926 in Ohio. His family moved to Indiana shortly afterwards and that is where he spent his adolescent years. At the age of 18 Wagoner enlisted in the navy and served for two years, during these years he also enrolled in Pennsylvania state university and graduated in 1949. After his graduation Wagoner began teaching and along with being a professor he wrote many books and collections of poetry. His literary works have been awarded many top honors including the Ruth Lilly poetry prize, Pushcart Prize, and the American Academy of Arts and Letters award, to name a few. It is clear through his writing and poetry that Wagoner had the underlying theme of nature driving a lot of his works, but it isn’t terribly clear where this affinity towards nature came from. Perhaps it began when he moved at the age of seven from industrial Ohio towards the coast of the pacific, because only once he had settled on the coast did the bulk of his writings take form. 

Influential writers 

Influential writer – Daniel Coyle


The writer whom I have chosen as my favorite is a relatively new one, for he does not have piles of books to his name, nor is he one that most people would know or recognize. Before becoming a novelist he was one of the editors for Outdoor magazine and always fancied sport and the challenges involved with it. This writer is Daniel Coyle and as far as I can tell he was written only four books, Waking Samuel, a fictional tale about a nurse who is charged with the care of a gunshot induced amnesia patient and the bond they create. His other three works are all based on fact and many hours of research, one is a biography called Lance Armstrong’s War. The next is called Hardball, and it covers a baseball league in the projects. His fourth and most recent book is titled The Talent Code, and it is his research on what exactly talent is, how to grow it, and how to master your given field. Minus his first book Coyle’s style is a very informative one where he is relaying information directly from the source to you, but in a manor that is easy on the eyes, meaning its not just statistics and quotes. I feel that this sort of writing is his strength, for he has been far more successful and had neglected to write any more fiction.


Review of Talent code


My favorite book by Daniel Coyle is The Talent Code. When I first came across the book it had the look of a possible “self help” novel, but as I began to read I found that that was not he case at all. The book is divided into three main sections, the first being Deep Practice. This section really sets the mood for the entire book, it is chalk full on information and relates not only to athletes, but to musicians, mathematicians, and really any field imaginable. The most important piece of information is about a substance called Myelin. Myelin is in a word, Talent. In actuality it is the insulation that wraps around the nerves in our brain and allows them to fire with much greater speed and accuracy. In the simplest terms, when you practice a skill it slowly creates layers of myelin and that makes you faster, stronger, and better all around. Along with the explanation of myelin in the first section Coyle also delves into how you can practice more productively, a process he calls “deep practice”. Essentially he gets into the best ways to gain repetition and how to learn from mistakes. This section is by far the most interesting and informative of the whole book, and since it is based completely on science it’s very easy to buy into. The second and Third sections are quite interconnected, one is Ignition and the other is Master Coaches. In essence he talks about how to become motivated and what sort of deep primal cues you can take advantage of. He points out things that can be traced back to the beginning of man, and along with this Coyle also tries to bring to light that geniuses aren’t born, they earn it and all people can earn the same thing. He doesn’t deny that certain circumstances help along talent though, but he gives reasonable solutions to whatever your situation might be. I find that through out the novel Coyle uses great examples from all facets of life, and that makes the book relate well to almost anyone who reads it.


If I were to recommend any of his books to the class I would say The Talent Code is a must read. It will leave you inspired or at the very least more knowledgeable about the word of talent and skill development. I have found that upon finishing it, it is easy to see examples in daily life that support the book and subconsciously I will go through my day with a little more purpose. 

Letter to self

Letter to self – 20 year time capsule Hello Morgan, This may come as a surprise, and you may have forgotten that you wrote this, But it is currently a beautiful sunny June 19th, and the year is 2010. So in writing to you from the past id like to highlight and review a few things about you back then, a few things that better not have changed. In 2010 I was a playful young man, and the world was for the taking. I aspired to do many things in my life, but there was no emphasis on the idea of working so I could retire. I wanted to live life while I could still do all the things I wanted, I try to scare myself on a regular basis and not shy away from trying new things. I have a group of amazing friends and sometimes we would joke and say “hey, do you think we will still know each other is 20 years, think we will still be tight?” and I would answer honestly “yes, why the heck wouldn’t we be”. That in no way described you as a person, but it was a few things that I hope haven’t changed. Next, I have a couple questions for you. As you read over them if you find yourself saying anything but the obvious answer, you definitely need to start thinking about what past you would do, the more purer you.


Is life stressing you out, are simple little things really getting to you?


Are you happy? Be honest now because you are talking to yourself and if you say yes your happy only because you are financially well off, oh boy you are in trouble.


Do you enjoy cooking, and has the music on your IPod changed a whole lot? I ask this because I think a change in those simple areas of your life would relate hugely to other aspects. For example, if you don’t like cooking anymore, you either had some terrible experience in the kitchen or you just aren’t making time for it, and if your music has changed so drastically that I think your life must have taken a turn also.


So here’s hoping that you had the right answer to those questions, but if you didn’t, its not to late, you just need to get back to you. Just sit in that chair or on that couch, read this and think back, way back, back to what I’m sure you are referring to now as The Good old days. Back in 2010 you were loving life, sure it had its stresses but that inevitable, the difference was, that you weren’t letting them get to you. You had a great circle of friends, any of whom you could phone up and hang with. (a circle of friends you are going to phone Right after reading this) you enjoy the outdoors more than anything, any sport was fun for you, even if you blew at it. You had silly hobbies like magic tricks, but you really liked them. You always wanted to own a surfboard and the goal was to save enough cash for a vacation somewhere with big waves and warm water so you could surf all day without ever having to put on a wetsuit. Do you own a surfboard now? You vowed to never find yourself stuck in an office working 9 to 5 in front of a computer all day. Lastly and in essence the whole idea behind this letter is that you wanted to grow up…but not become a grown up. You didn’t want to become like so many of the older people you ran into every day, the words “free spirit” were more along the lines of what you wanted to be. Not with ragged long hair and no job, but still letting your inner kid get you into trouble, go on adventures, and never stop playing.    

Poems of places

Poems about my Favorite places


Intro – I have chosen to do two free verse poems, they are a pair of contrasting verses about of both about my favorite places.

My breath rises towards the sky

A pale grey of flat clouds

They silently promise snow

the horizons gone.

Sealed behind a wall of green

Pines and furs wearing white caps

An untouched sea lies before me

The whisper of falling snow

Lost, alone, content.



Crashing waves and a salty taste

Cool nights partnered with warm winds

Soft music serenades the oceans white noise

City sounds, muffled conversations.

All adding to nature’s orchestra

Pink skies turning orange

Calming sand under my feet

Ocean rising, swallowing the days last light.

Company, conversation, content.

Short story 

    Three boys, and a ghost.

  By Morgan Pridy

It was as nice a day as anyone could remember; the sky was a solid blue mass without a smear of white to taint it, the only thing that interrupted the calm ocean above was the sun beating down on the little town of Chestfeild, Arizona. This town was not one that saw many visitors and was what the locals referred to as “a little slice of heaven hidden away from all the hustle of city folks.” The town had one elementary school housing a hundred or so children from grades K to 6. Mayer was one of these kids. He was eleven years old and quite tall for his age; he had sharp features and had already grown out of his baby fat. His hair was brown and usually quite a mop but, since the hot summer months were coming around, he had it cut high and tidy at the moment. At the age of eleven, it is often a mystery how one would become a “cool” kid, but perhaps out of luck or because of his tall stature he was liked by most all the kids. Virtually inseparable from Mayer was his best friend Jake; they had grown up as neighbors and built a strong friendship over their childhood years. Jake could be summed up as the opposite of his best friend. He was shorter that Mayer but around average for his age. He had blonde hair cut in the most flattering of bowl cuts and was quite chubby. His shape, accompanied with his large smile, gave him a very likable look and fortunately because of his friendship with Mayer, no one made fun of him.

The two of them would meet everyday after school and make the trek home together, a walk which they both enjoyed most thoroughly because it would take them through town, past the swimming hole and, finally, just before the turn to their street, they could walk past the town haunted house. It is conceivable that most towns have haunted houses, or in the case of cities perhaps hotel floors or industrial areas. But Chestfeild really fit the bill for a place bonafied haunted house would be found. The town was built in quite a simple fashion; most of the stores on Main Street were red brick with plain windows to display their goods. There was one butcher and no movie theater to be found for miles. It was the sort of town where everyone knows each other and gossip travels as fast as words can be spoken. This constant flow of rumors and hearsay are the reason that the haunted house had grown in legend and why it was commonly known that it was indeed inhabited by a ghost.


Mayer and Jake loved to walk past this house because they found it thrilling. Both of them claimed they wanted to see a ghost but, inside, were pretty scared about the whole idea. So they would joke and tease about going into the house and proving it wasn’t real. On this particular day Mayer found himself waiting for Jake outside the school. As he waited, a boy named Billy wandered towards him. Billy was the new kid in town and was a year younger than Jake and Mayer and was quite an awkward character. He was average in all the ways possible; he had glasses and was never seen with his shirt un-tucked. His face was covered in freckles that matched his rusty hair. He happened to live at the end of the same street as Mayer and Jake, but usually got a ride home from his mother. Today though was different, he was walking home, and had wandered over to Mayer to ask if he wanted to complete the distance together. It wasn’t that Mayer didn’t like Billy, but he was at the age where hanging out with this younger kid, who was a bit of a dork, was quite taboo when it comes to the code of kids. He didn’t really see a way out of it so he found himself agreeing tentatively.

“But I’m going to wait for Jake,” he said in the hopes that this boy would just leave without him.

 Apparently, it was no problem to wait and so they stood together for another minute or two before Jake finally appeared from the front door of the school. He bounced over to them with the usual sheepish grin on his face.

“I forgot my locker combo again,” he told the boys. Well, he mostly told Mayer. Billy just listened, trying to be nonchalant about walking home with the two older boys. The three of them departed and walked in silence for some time. Billy wasn’t sure if he should walk side by side with the two or fall back a pace, so he kind of bobbed level and behind for the time being. Mayer and Jake begin their usual after school argument about the haunted house. Today, Jake had taken to calling Mayer

“a chicken” for not even ringing the doorbell. Mayer was countering with,

“I bet its not even haunted. Nothing would happen if I did it. There’s no point.”

After several minutes of bickering Billy got the guts up to interject. This was a big deal because Billy still wasn’t sure if he was friends with these two.

He said, “Why don’t you both do it?” It was a fair question that caught both the boys off guard; they always argued but never actually expected to do anything. Now they were being faced with a reasonable request, and one that was impossible to say no to. If one boy said, “Yes, sure,” then the other would have to or he would be a chicken and both of them weren’t about to say no in front of this fifth grader.

“Oh…okay fine. We’ll do it. It’s just around the corner.”

As they rounded the turn, the house came looming into view. It was fairly easy for anyone to see how this house could be haunted. It was a tall, old house built completely in Victorian style. There were three chipped and broken front steps leading onto the porch, which was becoming more and more overgrown by the surrounding bushes and shrubs. Its large pillars were covered in ivy and vines that twisted up and stretched out over the lower windows. Its paint was peeling and some windows were cracked. Most menacing of all was the large brass doorknocker that hung slightly askew from the large double door. Seeing this house for the first time, Billy wished that he could retract his earlier statement, not knowing beforehand that the house would look like this. He quickened his pace to come even with the boys and asked,

“Wh-who lives there?” Mayer looked at Jake. They grinned a little and then Jake launched into the tale.

“Well,” he said, “there was this lady you see, and she used to live there like 90 years ago. She taught piano and rarely came outdoors. When people did see her, it was either at the grocery or in the cemetery. You see, her husband had died years before and she was always there paying her respects. People think that after he died, she was so alone that she started to go a little loony. She barely ever came out of her house and started having her food delivered but, no one wanted to do it because of the weird things she ordered.”

“Yeah!” Mayer chimed in, “Like goats eyes and frog legs.”

     Jake nodded his head in agreement,

“People thought she was trying to bring her husband back through witchcraft.”

Billy took a long look up at the house, gulped and then returned his head to Jake. Jake continued and said people who walked by her house late at night swore they heard chanting and screams. He paused to let that last statement sink in. Billy was now wide eyed and itching to get home, away from this house. But the story wasn’t over.

“A few months after that,” Jake told, “she disappeared, stopped taking in her groceries, no more chanting was heard and no one ever was seen leaving the house. When people started to worry about her, they went in to look. All the rooms were empty. She was gone without a trace. Years later, people started to see the drapes moving sometimes and at night they could hear someone shuffling around the house. Over the years people started to see glimpses of her more and more often. Mostly it was kids who saw it, so no grownups really think its true…but it is true…isn’t it Mayer?”


Mayer nodded in agreement. For a moment, all three boys just stood and looked up at the house. Their stares were filled with a mixture of things; fear, excitement, wonder, and most of all, a burning desire to know if it was true. This urge to discover the truth out weighed all the other senses. It turned scary into a distant thought. The curiosity the boys were feeling was something they shared and without having to say a word, they all knew. Billy was the first to break the silence. He had been thinking about what he was going to say in his head long before he actually spoke it. He knew that he wasn’t friends, per say, with the two older boys, but he didn’t know anyone else. And they shared a common curiosity.

“Do you guys want to check is out, then?” His words sat in the air for a moment or two. Mayer and Jake heard him, but didn’t respond right away. Then, at the same time, they ushered the word



There was no turning back now, so the boys started to banter a little bit about how they were going to do this. First, they made the call that they should leave their backpacks by the edge of the yard and do up their shoes real tight, just in case they had to make a speedy getaway. Next, they started to think about how they should actually get a look inside the house. It was debated whether or not to use the heavy knocker and wait for an answer. Mayer finally settled the argument by reminding the boys that no one had lived there for

“like 200 years,” as he put it, and that if someone answered the door then it was absolutely haunted and they would have to run really fast. Now that all of this was settled, it was time to make good and do it. Together Jake, Billy, and Mayer pushed open the fence and tried not to jump as the rusted hinges squeaked loudly. Through the fence, there was a weed-infested walkway and the boys walked shoulder to shoulder. It was an awkward walk as none of the boys wanted to walk on the over grown gardens, just in case someone was watching from the house. After the longest walk of their short lives, the boys arrived on the front steps. Their shoes were heavy as they mounted the three rotten wooden steps, one by one. The floor creaked and whined as they made their way. Soon, they were face-to-face with the door. The knocker lay in front of them. Brief glances were exchanged but none of them reached towards it. Mayer asked if maybe they should all do it at the same time. This was agreed upon and three little hands grasped the knocker, another glance from one to another and then they lifted and smashed it back against the door. The sound shook dust off of the ceiling above them and the sound resonated throughout the house, echoing through the rooms before finally fading away. The seconds began to slip by, one after another. Five long second had passed before Jake spoke,

“You see, guys? No one’s home. I don’t think its haun—” He stopped mid sentence.

 The other boys knew why, they had all heard it. The sound of shuffling footsteps growing louder and louder behind the door, The three of them started to back away and, as they heard the doorknob creak and turn, they turned and ran faster than they had ever before. None of them looked back. They were all too scared.


When they finally ran out of breath and felt that they were a safe enough distance from the house, the boys buckled over, hands on their knees, gasping and trying to figure out what just happened. Soon they had caught their breath and began to walk. As they walked, they talked about their adventure, each of them elaborating on how it had gone down, Jake even ventured to say he had seen the old lady’s hand. Jake and Mayer couldn’t wait to get to school and share their tale with everybody. When they arrived at their houses, they stopped talking and turned to Billy. Without hesitation, Jake said,

“We’re walking to school at eight tomorrow. See you then?”

“Sure.” Billy waved as he kept walking to his home. Without knowing it and without trying, the three of them had become friends. When they would look back on it, none of them would recall how they had met. But that’s just how friend ship is.

Poetry SLAM 1



There was a man who lived in my room

He just loved to cause havoc and doom

He lived under my bed

And then one night he said

I would love to go back to the moon


I said to him, if he were to leave he would need a few, tricks up his sleeve

For he had no spaceship

And clearly had no grip On the feat he wanted to achieve


But despite all my words of advice

He made a ship he thought would suffice it really didn’t get far I shouted no cigar All the man’s plans had now failed twice.


Shape (shape, environmental activist, bigger tree)




And strong

Swaying in the

Wind, bending and

Creaking but never does

It break, towering over all

Things that surround it, home

For many creatures, and shelter

From all the elements, the cold the sun


Us fresh air to breath but

Takes nothing from us, ever

Growing, up and towards the sun

Tall trees of our forests, some leafy others

Not, all Important, Not to be Taken for granted. often people see the green, and in the haze of greed don’t

Even see the forest, they cut and saw, hack and log. In it only

To make

A dollar

They aren’t thinking about the future

All that’s on there mind is a pay check, what

About the next generation? Will there be anything left

What about the species going extinct? Or the rivers that are

Being muddied up. it creates instability in trade for stability of the




Free verse

To the moon – 


Jack sat in his pilots chair

Training done

Tests complete

Sweating hands grip the controls

This is not a test

Lights flicker on

One by one

He sees his target,

His dream is now in view.


To him this grey

Round, distant and beautiful orb

Is more than a target.

It’s a goal,

One that all boys have

He was about to get

his chance To be

an astronaut.


Doors are sealed.

His heart thumps

Calm and ready,

The count downs on

Ten…his senses sharpen

Visors down

He grips the controls

Knuckles turning white

Beneath his gloves

Five…all systems go

This dream is now

Up to fate and luck.


Lift off.




Dear Santa Clause

You deserve great applause

Although it’s easy to see

You’re committing B and E…


Hello Mrs. Clause

This is the police calling because

Your husbands been arrested and your presence is requested


Officer McCredie

I think you’re being quite greedy

Santa makes kids smile

These charges are just vile





Calm morning, warm breeze                              Crisp cool, long darkness

Sun peaking over mountains                              bear sleeps beneath frozen ground

Bird chirps, summers here.                                Leafless trees, life’s silent

Poetry SLAM 2

Calm morning, warm breeze                              Crisp cool, long darkness

Sun peaking over mountains                              bear sleeps beneath frozen ground

Bird chirps, summers here.                                Leafless trees, life’s silent.


Moist ground, a fresh smell                               frost is in the air

Abrupt showers soak fresh buds                       leaves turn beautiful colors.

Days lengthen, mist, green.                                Then carpet the ground.




Dear Santa Clause

You deserve great applause

Although it’s easy to see

You’re committing B and E…


Hello Mrs. Clause

This is the police calling because

Your husbands been arrested and your presence is requested


Officer McCredie

I think you’re being quite greedy

Santa makes kids smile

These charges are just vile


Hey Judge Gabriel

Should we send Santa to jail?

What? You must be crazy! At very least your judgment, hazy


Fine. Senator Steve

What do we do on this Christmas eve?

Well you’ve got to get Santa back to his sleigh

And quickly send him on his way.


Conversations. Parts of a play.


1: Holy s--- man! That was a hell of a hike.

2: Yeah man it just killed my legs

1: Well we did kinda power up that thing, it was a pretty intense pace

2: Definitely dude. My calves were toasted by the end, did yours cramp up at all? I thought mine were going to hit the wall. 1: yeah! Same thing! but like five minutes in, after that they were numb.

3: (enters panting, and puts his hand on the knees) guys…your calves were numb? My freaking face is numb, I couldn’t even see for the last quarter.

2: I just stated frothing at the mouth…it got real gross.

1: yep that’s pretty gross, were you sweating like a lot a lot? Because I was following like a trail of drips for most of the way. 3: why did they even put those signs? It doesn’t help…especially the first one, I’m sweating balls and then its just a slap in the face when it says “one quarter done”

2: yes… that was me sweating, I felt like a water fall.

2: I have no idea why they have the signs. My vision was blurred anyway so I missed the last one.

1: same

3: same 3: um, so guys, how the f--- are we supposed to get down now?

2: I’m thinking tram?

1: yeah that sounds about right…its going to be one smelly tram though

3:smelly tram? Just wait for the drive home.

2: uhg, our car is going to be like an oven.

1:oooh…its right in the sun isn’t it?

2: smack in the middle of it fool.

3: maybe we should hit up the river later then? The cold might make the legs feel a bit better.

2: I’m in. you in? 1: yes sir, lets do it.

3: Yo, so totally off topic but did you boys see the guy in jeans and flip flops?

1:dude! Did I ever, he must have been on crack.

2: agreed, I highly doubt he makes it up alive.

3: I dunno man, there were some shady characters on that trail, and I’m thinking that if the 90 yeah old lady in the lulu’s can run up it, he might make it okay.

1: okay, you’ve got a point, I mean I almost got passed by an 8 year old.

2: I saw that girl! But kids have like freakish stamina though, I don’t think they ever get tired.

3: that’s so true, kids, and the old people who are at the age where they have old man strength going for them. I think that they are powered solely on sheer will alone.

1: yes, so true. Now lets get off this mountain and get some food.


A conversation between friends after we finished the grouse grind.

Full Scene

A scene from the new play; Friends hiking mountains.


[Scene one; John and Fred stand together in the sun catching there breath on top of Grouse mountain.]


JOHN: (panting slightly) “Holy s--- man! That was a hell of a hike.”

FRED: (also panting) “Yeah man it just killed my legs”

JOHN: “Well we did kinda power up that thing, it was a pretty intense pace”

FRED: “Definitely dude. My calves were toasted by the end, did yours cramp up at all? I thought mine were going to hit the wall.” JOHN: “yeah! Same thing! but like five minutes in, after that they were numb.”

ALEX: (Enters walking up towards the two men: Breathing hard he puts his hand on the knees before speaking) “guys…your calves were numb? My freaking face is numb, I couldn’t even see for the last bit.”

[The stand in a circle and start jabbering]

FRED: “I just started frothing at the mouth…it got real gross.”

JOHN: “yep that’s pretty gross, were you sweating like a lot a lot? Because I was following like a trail of drips for most of the way.” ALEX: (still panting) “why did they even put those signs? It doesn’t help…esspesially the first one, I’m sweating balls and then its just a slap in the face when it says “one quarter done”

FRED: “yes… that was me sweating, I felt like a water fall.”

(A slight pause before catching on to the previous question then answering)

FRED: “I have no idea why they have the signs. My vision was blurred anyway so I missed the last one.”

(John and Alex answer in unison)

JOHN: “same”

ALEX: “same’

(The Three Friends look around and realize something is missing)

FRED: “So guys, where is Steve?”

JOHN: (He askes with emphasis on “is”) “good question, where is Steve…?”

(Alex and John yell one after another) ALEX: “STEVE!!” JOHN: “STEVE!!” FRED: “dude! I think I see him, that looks like his hat, STEVE!?”

[Steve enters, crawling up the last climb and staggers up to the group] STEVE: (speaking between deep breaths then trailing off) “Uhg…Fred…boys…what up…why did we do that?...why…” JOHN: “awe suck it up Steve, it wasn’t thaaat bad.”

ALEX: “well…yeah it kinda was.” JOHN: (jokingly) “oh shut it man.” STEVE: “where’s the water? Seriously where’s it at, I’m dying here.” FRED: “its over in the shade man, the foucet it seriously aggressive though so watch out.’ STEVE: “thanks man.” ALEX: “um, so guys, how the f--- are we supposed to get down now?”

FRED: “I’m thinking tram?”

JOHN: “yeah that sounds about right…its going to be one smelly tram though”

ALEX: “smelly tram? Just wait for the drive home.”

FRED: “uhg, our car is going to be like an oven.”

JOHN: “oooh…its right in the sun isn’t it?”

FRED: “smack in the middle of it fool.”

ALEX: “maybe we should hit up the river later then? The cold might make the legs feel a bit better.”

FRED: “I’m in. you in?” JOHN: “yes sir, lets do it.” STEVE: “I’m in but food first??” ALEX: “that’s something I might be interested in” STEVE: “sweet, burgers? Sushi?” FRED: “really? I don’t know if raw fish is going to sit very well…grease might not be better though…I don’t know…”

ALEX: “Yo, so totally off topic but did you boys see the guy in jeans and flip flops?”

JOHN: “dude! Did I ever, he must have been on crack.”

FRED: “agreed, I highly doubt he makes it up alive.”

ALEX: “I dunno man, there were some shady characters on that trail, and I’m thinking that if the 90 year old lady in the lulu’s can run up it, he might make it okay.”

JOHN: “okay, you’ve got a point, I mean I almost got passed by an 8 year old.”

FRED: “I saw that girl! But kids have like freakish stamina though, I don’t think they ever get tired.”

ALEX: “that’s so true, kids, and the old people who are at the age where they have old man strength going for them. I think that they are powered solely on sheer will alone.” STEVE: “that’s a fact, my pops is like that” FRED: “he really is! When I helped him move he was picking up like full book shelves and s---“

JOHN: “I remember that he for has old man strength. Now lets get off this mountain and get some food.”

[All four friends exit into the tram buildings, curtains close]

Play Review

Hairspray: Musical Magic or Out of Tune?


As an avid watcher of movies I felt that, because of the all star cast and the success of the original I absolutely had too see this movie. Now I am no expert on the whole genre of musicals, in fact the last one I saw must have been Grease and that was years ago, but seeing as you are reading my review I assume you’d like to hear my take on it. The movie begins and the scene is set in a city in 1962, Tracy Turnblad and her best friend Penny are doing there best to watch a tv show in back and white. The show is made up of teens who sing and dance, it becomes clear that it is Tracy’s dream to be on this show, and that she has a monster crush on the main singer, who happens to go to her school. It turns out that there is an opening on the show for a new character and there will be an open audition, Tracy can sing and dance the pants off of everyone, but she is over weight and that wasn’t cool back in the day. But by some miracle and perhaps a little persuasion by the shows producer she finds herself the co-staring in the Corny Collins show. It is on this show where we meet the “villain” of the movie, her name is Velma Von Tussle and she will do whatever is takes to get Tracy off the show. The movie follows the basic plot of; happy beginning, everything going well, things take a turn for the worse, a plan is hatched to make things better, followed by a happy feel good ending for everybody. All the while there is the underlying message about accepting people for who they are on the inside, and racism. The lessons about racism are probably the most important part of the whole movie, and it is all portrayed through song, which for some reason seems easier to take in and despite it being a serious matter. In fact the movie does a very good job to approach it with a bit of humor and it’s an easy movie to smile through from start to finish. Along with it being a feel good musical, the acting is quite superb, especially the work done by John Travolta. Even if you are not particularly partial to musicals it is worth it to see Travolta playing Tracy’s mother. Christopher Walken is great as always and the singing and dancing done by Zack Efron and Elijah Kelley is top notch, I think a lot of the credit for this movies success has to be given to the films choreographer for his work on the dance sequences through the movie. Although HairSpray is a fantastic feature film I cant help but thinking that it would have been so much better to see live on stage. In my opinion the energy would have been much greater on stage and to see this all performed live would have been a real treat, especially because there are no special effects or stunts during the film so it wouldn’t have to change very much from screen to stage.


All in all two thumbs up out of three for Hairspray.   

How to Bike

The Ten steps to riding a bike.

How to approach and ride a bike that is standing against a wall, Refer to diagrams one and two for a visual reference of bike terms and parts.


Step 1.

First, approach the bicycle so it is within arms reach. Place the hand that is closest to the seat on the far handlebar grip, then the other hand on the grip closest to you. Open your hands and place your index and middle fingers over the levers on their corresponding sides. Rest your fingers here but do not apply pressure to the levers.


Step 2.

Continuing to hold the grips, walk forward and the bike will roll with you. As you walk bend your left elbow to turn left and your right elbow to turn right. If this is confusing, think of it as pulling the bars toward the side of your body in which you would like to turn. Do this for a few minutes until you become comfortable.


Step 3.

To stop or slow the bicycle you will use the levers that your fingers are resting on. Gently apply pressure by pulling your fingers into a fist, the left lever controls the front tire and the right is the back. Always brake gently for safety.


Step 4.

Continue to walk and steer the bike, but now add in slowing and stopping. Once comfortable bring the bike to a complete stop by pulling the levers in all the way.


Step 5.

While firmly holding the break levers, slowly swing the leg closest to the rear wheel back and over the rear tire and seat. You should now be straddling the bike with both feet on the ground, and hands still on the grips.


Step 6.

Look down and assess which pedal is closest to the ground, next place your corresponding foot onto the lower pedal. To stay in balance shift your weight onto the leg that is on the ground. Using your grounded foot, slowly push off, propelling yourself forward, because your still have one foot off the pedal you can use it to touch down as you find your balance. For added control use your breaks to maintain a low speed. Once confident push forward again this time placing your free foot onto the open pedal.


Step 7.

Next bend your knees and sit down on the seat. To propel the bike forward you must push down against the higher of the two pedals, this will bring the opposite pedal up and next you push that pedal down, and repeat. (The pedals only go in a circular motion, so you must bend your knees to accommodate this movement)


Step 8.

At this point you are officially riding a bike, congratulations! Remembering the earlier steps, take some time to steer the bike and practice with the breaks a little more.


Step 9.

To stop, apply even pressure, gently to both the break levers. Once you are going slow enough that you begin to loose balance, simply lift your foot of the pedal and place it on the ground resting your weight on it.


Step 10.

Now firmly holding the breaks swing the leg that is still on the pedal back towards your rear tire and place it on the ground. Remain holding the grips firmly.

Walk the bicycle towards either your garage or to somewhere soft. (Grass for example so no damage comes to the bike when you rest it down) Remain holding the grips and begin to tip the bike towards your thighs. As the bike gets further onto its side make small steps backwards away from the bike so it doesn’t hit you. Release your hand from the grip closest to the ground and let the bike lay onto its side.    

Persuasive essay

Persuasive essay, Small town vs. Big city.



Living in a small town offers many things and in a way is linked to many different parts of your life including the stresses you feel, your overall lifestyle choices, and the opportunities you have in your everyday life. For some, the city might just be the best place they can imagine, it might fulfill all the things they want or need out of life, but I can’t honestly imagine too many people who never want to leave the big city life behind. Now I’m not claiming to know much about your life or the stresses and choices that it holds, but what I am doing is offering to you my observations on city life versus small town life. Of course one mans opinion can’t be thee deciding factor in any part of your life, but my hope is that my outlook will lead you out of the city and allow for you to make the choice based on your own new experiences.


Firstly, by most any available definition a small town qualifies as a place ranging from a few hundred people to a few thousand people. So please don’t get the impression I am trying to sell you on moving to the boonies or some “little slice of heaven” off the interstate. When I say small town I mean a place free of sky scrapers and hour long commutes, a place were nature is abundant and you don’t have the constant groan of city sounds, essentially a place where you don’t have to lock your doors every time you leave for the day. Now I know that sounds a little like I am trying to run for mayor, but it really is the only way to describe a small town. Now I said that a small town over a city could help eliminate stress, and it really can. For instance getting to work or the grocery store or anywhere for that matter is only going to take you a few minutes. So despite it being five o’clock there is no rush hour, no one is jammed up in traffic and you can get things done. Another example is if you are a parent, there is much less to worry about. As stated in a Iowa state university news release, Small towns feel much safer for kids and parents can let them walk around and play without having to have them on a leash. The same goes for elderly persons, they can feel safe in there daily lives. This is In part because most everyone knows each other, or at least knows of each other and there aren’t really any bad parts of town they could end up in. Along with that there are many more opportunities for kids; well at least the outdoor opportunities are more accessible. And with the outdoors readily accessible there is nothing to stop your kids from riding a bike instead of playing Xbox or getting themselves into trouble.


It is easy to see how both a small town and big city can offer you an abundance of lifestyle choices. By lifestyle choices I mean, choosing to bike or drive, walk or bus, smoke or not, eat junk or eat healthy, those sort of every day choices that we are faced with. I feel that in a smaller town you still have these choices but you start more inclined to the healthier one in most cases. For instance if everything is within walking or biking distance there is much less to stop you from doing it, especially since the populations of smaller towns commonly have a larger number of fit people you will always have someone to do it with. When it comes to say, eating healthy. Just being in a small town will in no way make you an expert cook or a health nut, but it simply wont have as many fast food places to eat at. You will have to choose what you want to eat instead of having a burger place around every corner choosing for you. Beyond that most small towns are built around a main attraction, be it a mountain, beach, or lakes and this means that if you have moved to a town you have chosen to do so in part because of that main feature. My point being that if you move to a place with a mountain you were drawn by the skiing or biking, if you move to the beach perhaps you like the relaxed atmosphere or surfing, and if you move to a lake side community boating might be your thing. These are all healthy lifestyle choices. Along with that, being outside and doing activities produces endorphins and endorphins make you happy and content.    


The final thing that really comes to mind when I think about city or small town is weather or not any opportunities would be lost. Meaning is there anything you can do in the city you won’t be able to do in a small town? I can’t lie to you, so yes, certain things will be a little harder to come by but, still available if you want them. Most everything else besides huge malls and things of that sort will be available. Say you want to go clubbing, small towns will have it, or have your car fixed, small towns will have it. Pretty much anything else you can name a small town will be able to accommodate. Despite what many may think towns have essentially all the commodities a city does but without the major bluster that comes with the big city. The difference being though that a small town has soul, it has a real community and local spirit. Something I find lacking in the city, towns have less of the attitude cities have and are easy places to call home.


I know that at some point everyone has gone to a small town, probably on a vacation or for a day trip. I want you to think of what ever the reason is that you went to that town, weather it’s the draw to be able to relax and let the stresses fade to the back ground, or if you came to have some fun and get off your but to play out side. Or even if you came to enjoy the culture and night life, because whatever the reason is it was good enough to get you here. Now just imagine having those things and an option to do everyday. I don’t mean to imply that small towns are paradises where no one works and life is easy, but even with life’s hardships and stresses, the atmosphere of a small town and tight knit community helps it all be a little more bearable.


Works Cited


Besser, Terry. L. "Small Towns: A safe place to live." Iowa State University Extension. Community Connections News Release, 01 APR 1996. Web. 22 Jul 2010. .


Notes –


As this is a persuasive essay I took my chosen topic and ran with it, using my opinions and feelings on the matter to attempt to persuade the reader. As I was writing I tried to convey many things I have noticed about small towns from personal experience, but as I searched the web to find stats to support my claims I non were to be found. In Fact most everything I searched, with the exception of the one article was very negative towards small towns and my whole argument in general. I thought about switching my point of view and going with the facts on the web, but it didn’t seem right to root against the home team so to speak.

Screen play

Russell Crowe Writing letter














































EXT. Russell Crowes Office Building – Nighttime – Establishing


A large sign illuminated by lights reads “Russell Crowes Office”


INT. Russell Crowes Office


A man sits at his desk in a lavish office; crumpled papers are strewn on the floor. His face comes into view, RUSSELL CROWE 46. Sits, focused on his writing. He lets out a frustrated grunt, crumples up another paper and throws it to the ground. He lets out a deep breath and starts again.



              Damn these apology letters! I can

              Never get them to sound right. I

              Don’t even know why I am apologizing.


He taps his pen against his chin and searches his memory for the incident.


                                                     CUT TO:


EXT. SoHo Hotel – Midday – ESTABLISHING


INT. Penthouse Suite – Midday


Russell sits on his bed; he picks up the phone to order some room service.



              Hello, this is Russell Crowe

              I would like to order some room

              Service please.


                        PHONE OPERATOR

              Yes of course, what would you like?



              May I have a liter of cola and

              Some of those crackers that

              Are shaped like animals?






                        Phone Operator

              You mean Animal crackers?



              Yes, any cracker so long as it’s

              Shaped like an animal.   



                        Phone Operator

              Of course, Mr. Crowe I’ll send

It right up.



Russell puts the phone down and waits for his food to arrive.

He hears a knock at the door and goes to answer it, before

Opening the door he looks through the peep hole. As he does he catches a glimpse of a gladiator, before the door is kicked in knocking him off his feet.



                   (quoting Gladiator)

              Oi! You’ll never take me, I’m a

              Freed man!


Russell leaps at the gladiator fighting him to the ground, they tussle and knock the phone off the table before Russell gets the gladiators sward and stabs him with it. Breathing heavy Russell slams the door and picks up the phone, he dials for the concierge.



              Please connect me to the police, I

              Would do it myself but I was just

              Attacked by a gladiator and he has

              Broken the Nine key off my phone.



              Excuse me? that is completely ludicrous

              We have a strict no Gladiator policy

              In our hotels.



              Look sir, you can come and see for

              Yourself. I’m in the penthouse suite.





              I will be right up Mr. Crowe.


Again Russell puts his phone down next to him and waits for the door. This time there is no knock, instead the door is kicked open once again, this time by the concierge, who is wielding a sword and charges at Russell.



              I’ll never help you place a call!

              Instead I’m going to kill you!


Russell reaches for the phone, rips it from the wall and hurls it at the concierge. It strikes him clean in the face and he is knocked out.

                                                     CUT TO:


INT. Russell Crowes Office


Russell snaps out of his day dream and reaches for his phone. He dials his lawyer, the phone wrings and his Lawyer picks up.



              Hello, this it’s Russell. I

              I remember what happened that

              Night at the hotel!



              RUSSELL! Look, we have been over

              This a hundred times! They have

              Security footage, you just hit

              That poor man with your phone.


Fade to INT. Penthouse suite.


(Flashback) The Concierge enters the room and asks how he can help, without answering Russell shouts and throws the phone at the man’s face.


Fade to INT. Russell Crowes Office







Lawyer (cont’d)

              Now just write the damn apology and

              Stop phoning me with these bogus



The Lawyer hangs up, so does Russell, he looks upset and begins to write another apology letter. He gets a few lines in before crumpling it up and beginning once more. This time he writes and appears to be happy with his work. He picks up his phone and calls his secretary PENELOPE 25.



              Penelope, can you come in here for

              A second please, I need you to

              Listen to my letter and tell

              Me what you think.



              Okay one moment.


The door at the front of the office pushes open and Penelope walks in. She strides to the desk and waits to hear the letter.



              (holding the letter to read from)

              Okay, tell me what you think. I am

              Very Very sorry for throwing that

              Telephone at your concierge. Maybe

              If his head wasn’t sooo big, it

              Wouldn’t have hit him.


Penelope waits, expecting to hear more.



              That’s it? Sir. I like it, but I

              Think you should change a few

              Things. Maybe try and not insult




              Fine. You’re right, I’ll do it






Penelope exits the room and Russell is left to write again. As he begins to start a new letter he notices an unopened envelope on his desk. Russell pauses and then opens it, it is from his lawyer.






                   (reading aloud)

              Dear Mr. Crowe, as your lawyer it

              Is my duty to inform you that

              After your little incident at the

              Plantations hotel, it would go a

              Long way to write an apology letter

              To them as well.


He crumples the letter in anger, And throws it among the other papers on the ground.



                   (Mumbling to himself)

              Ah for crying out loud, two letters!

              Bah, I guess ill write this one first.

              …but what am I apologizing for again?


He pauses from his rant to think about it for a moment. He scratches his head.


Fade to EXT. Plantation hotel – Establishing


The sign for the Plantation comes into view, Russell drives his sports car up towards the entrance, one of the bell boys takes his keys and he walk into the hotel.


INT. Hotel lobby


Russell enters the lobby and walks up towards the front desk. There is a small line so he waits, soon he arrives at the front of the line.









                   (reading the woman’s name tag)

              Hello MINDY 28. I’m Russell Crowe.

              I would like the biggest room you have




              Oh my god, o..of course, right away Mr.

              Crowe. Let me look up what we have.






Russell looks around the lobby as he waits, everything seems in order as he scans across the faces behind him. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a something that makes him do a double take. It looks as though a man wearing boxing gloves and a championship belt is in the crowd, but when he looks again the man is gone.


                        Mindy (CONT’D)

              Alright, so its looking like we have

              Either the penthouse or the presidential

              Suite open, which would you prefer?



              I want the larger one please, and can

              You send up a liter of cola and some

              Of those crackers that are shaped like




              Animal Crackers you mean?



              Sure, as long as they are in the

              Shape of animals.


He is handed his room key and as he turns around he is faced by a man in boxing gloves and a championship belt.



              Hey Russell! I’m going to knock you




                   (quoting Cinderella man)



Russell pulls off his sports jacket and begins he dance around the man in a boxers fashion, they trade punches and after an epic few rounds Russell finally lands one to the Boxers jaw and knocks the man out.


                                                     CUT TO:


INT. Russell Crowes Office




Russell snaps out of his day dream, he thinks for a second and then picks up his phone and dials his lawyer again. He picks up on the second ring.



              It’s Russell again, I just opened your

              Letter about the Plantation thing

              If I recall correctly, that guy was

              A nut and he came at me.



              Are you sure?



              Yes, I am positive.



              Alright, because I just got the security

              Tape and I am about to play it.



              You watch it, I’ll wait, I want to sue

              This jerk.


There is a pause and through the phone you can hear the muffled sounds from the video in the background. A man can be heard asking Russell if he needed help with his baggage,

Then the voice of Russell saying YOU’RE GOING HOME IN BUTCHERS PAPER PAL! And then the sounds of a scuffle.





              Russell! You attacked that man

              Frankly you should be in prision for

              That, thank god you have a lawyer like

              Me, or you would be in trouble.

              Now you sit and write both those damn

              Letters! And they had better be good!


Russell recoils from the earpiece and it is aggressively slammed down on the other end.





He then returns to his papers and starts writing once more, after a moment or two he puts down his pen and looks satisfied with his work. He grabs the phone and dials Penelope


              Penelope, I want you to look over

              This letter please, I think its pretty



Penelope enters through the door and walks to the desk, she takes the letter and reads aloud.



                   (reading from the paper)

              Dear Plantation hotel, I am sorry

              For hitting that man in your lobby.

              I think that possibly he was

              Wearing a boxing outfit and came

              At me, it was probably his fault

              And I suggest you don’t let him

              In your establishment next time.


She puts the letter down and shakes her head at Russell, he looks content. She says nothing else, crumples up the letter and throws it into the pile.



              But I thought it was alright!






He shouts after her but it falls on deaf ears. She leaves the room and he looks down at his desk. He reaches for his paper and begins once again to write. The time on the clock speeds by.

                                                DISOLVE TO:


INT. Russell Crowes Office – SUNSET


Russell sits at his desk, places his pen down and picks up the letter so examine it. He takes off his reading glasses and folds the letter, he puts it inside an envelope and picks up the phone to dial Penelope.



              I’ve finished my letter at last.

              I need you to get this to my lawyer

              Immediately, before he leaves for the




              Yes of course Mr. Crowe.




              Wait! One more thing, all this

              Hard work has really made me

              Hungry. Can you please send in a

              Liter of cola and some of those

              Crackers that are shaped like animals



              Animal crackers you mean.



              Whatever, so long as they are shaped

              Like animals.


                                                     CUT TO:

INT. Lawyers Office


The door to the office opens, a messenger walks in and hands Russell’s Lawyer an envelope.







              This is from Mr. Crowe, I was told

              It was urgent and he would like

              You to read it right now.



              Okay, thank you.


The messenger exits and shuts the door. The Lawyer sits and then opens the envelope and unfold the letter.



                        Lawyer (V.O.)


              To Whom It May Concern: I am very


              very sorry for my actions on


June 6th of 2005, I regret deeply the


fact that I lost my temper and


whipped a telephone at my hotels


concierge. In my defense the man was


being quite unhelpful and bordering on


downright rude, all I wanted was


to place a call. I realize now that


I could have simply used my cell phone


but I found myself caught up in the


moment. For a minute there, when the


actual act of hurling the phone


occurred I was so engulfed in rage


I thought I still was a Gladiator.


Nevertheless I apologize; I hope


sincerely that the cuts I gave to


the man’s face with my impeccable


aim heal and that no lasting physical


or psychological damage remains.


I do not usually take part in actions


like this for it isn’t in my nature,


I swear this it was a one time laps


in my good nature. Sure I have been


charged with assault when I went all


Cinderella man on a guy in the


plantations hotel, but he had it


coming and I stand by my plea of


self defense. On those two instances


I think that its clearly the other persons fault as much as it is mine, especially


in the case of the hotel concierge. He


shouldn’t have come at me with that




negative, unhelpful attitude. I can


promise with very little certainty


that from this point forward I will


behave myself. I will stay out a


brawls and try to cut back saying


vulgar things about people on nation


television. Along with this new


promise I plan on settling out of


court with the concierge, probably


for around six digits. That’s the


last time I try and make a phone


call by my self, from now on its


back to having my people call there





He places the letter down and reaches for his phone.





              GET ME RUSSELL CROWE, NOW!